Monthly Archives: June 2012

Coming to America

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Neil Diamond Coming To America – YouTube

In about 24 hours we will be on American soil again.  It seemed so far away when we first left the States for Germany, and now I can’t believe it is already here.  Mostly because of the packing and organizing that had to be done for CD.  UGH!  But we are set and ready to COME TO AMERICA!  I will try to update when I can, so if it takes a bit longer than normal, don’t worry, but just keep checking back on the blog!

C ran a 5k today that actually went past our apartment.  I looked out the window to see if I could spot him, but it didn’t work as there were TONS of runners.  It probably took the whole crowd 30 to 40 minutes to pass the area that I could see.

I am going off to rest for the night to prepare for what is to come tomorrow.  And all of that is in question because we don’t know if CD will sleep on the plane, cry, like the toys/food I am bringing him, etc.  It is amazing how much stuff you can pack for a kid in hopes that it will entertain them, but the thing is, it could be the “it” toy of the time and in 2 seconds, be “so yesterday”.  🙂

Anyway, all family and friends that are going to see us here are a few tips:  🙂

1.  Let CD warm up to you before you squeeze him in all of his CUTENESS!

2.  Hide your laptops, cellphones, TV remote controls, earrings and glasses as he LOVES all of these and will want/need to play with them and nothing else.

3.  Oh, and hide your belly buttons too as CD has just found mine and thinks it is the coolest thing in the world.

4.  Lock ALL of your cabinets as CD has a wonderful way of emptying them the second you fill them.  🙂

5.  And last but not least, be prepared for some falls as he is beginning to experiment with letting go of things to stand by himself.  Here is some proof (check out the bump on his head):

Day before flight- No idea what I’m in for tomorrow

It is official…

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I’m sick.

And willing myself not to get any worse.  I hope it works.  It worked last time CD was sick.  That is the thing that stinks about being pregnant or nursing (I’m only nursing) that you can’t take ANY medicine.  I was sick once when I was pregnant and the age-old remedy that C had found for me was minced garlic and honey.  I warn all of you, do not try this.  It is ABSOLUTELY GROSS…especially if you are pregnant and can smell like a bazillion times better than normal and ugh!  I basically wanted to throw up, but I ate it…and don’t know if it worked or not.

When CD woke up from his morning nap, I caught him on the baby monitor CLAPPING HIS HANDS!  He then did it a few times when I went and got him, but as usual refused to do it any time I got the camera.  He continued to do it throughout the day too.

We had another doctor visit today since the doctor wouldn’t do the exam with CD feeling ill- plus he was getting a vaccine which couldn’t be given to him in the state he was in last week.  Of course it was raining, like it was ALL day today.  So I strapped CD to me and headed out the appointment.  That took a lot out of me, but we made it to the appointment on time and all dry.  CD passed the exam with flying colors and is a healthy baby!!!  🙂  That is all a mom wants to hear.  He is 81 cm tall, 11.3 kilos.

When we got back from the visit, CD crashed and fell asleep for about 2 1/2 hours!  It was great because I did the same thing.  I can’t tell if it helped or hurt me though.  I guess only time will tell.  When CD woke up from his nap, he was hungry and I mean HUNGRY!  He inhaled his blueberries, Cheerios AND peas!  I had to put an end to it otherwise I don’t think he would have eaten dinner…but I could have been wrong.  🙂  Apparently the exam does take a lot out of the babies.  🙂

Anyway, since CD is down for the night, I am going to curl up on the couch and rest in hopes of feeling better tomorrow.

Sweet dreams to all!

The Final Countdown

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We had yet another holiday on Thursday.  This one is not celebrated all through Germany, but Frankfurt celebrates it, so everything was closed.  I almost can’t keep track of the holidays anymore!  🙂

Our cleaning lady came on Thursday and CD and I stayed put in his room since he still wasn’t feeling well.  He slept a lot and snuggled a lot too.  At dinner, CD was feeling better but would ONLY eat a banana out of my hand while being held.  And dinner was at 17:30 instead of 18:30.  But he was tired and I knew he needed his sleep from being sick so I was fine with it.

CD did the same thing today: had dinner at 17:30, cried at  bath time (NEVER happens) so we ended that early and he was asleep by 18:30.  Thank goodness because I am beat and am trying to not get sick.  (Both CD and C are sick.  My poor boys).

C returned from his business trip and we are happy to have him home.

Today starts our FINAL COUNTDOWN to our trip to the States!  I can’t believe that it is almost time for us to head back for a holiday (vacation).  I found out that it was only a week’s time when we were at the doctors the other day.  We had to reschedule CD’s appointment since he wasn’t feeling well and the doc mentioned that we had to do it soon since we are heading to the States.  I thought we had 2 weeks instead of 1!!!  HA!

Now I have to attempt to pack everything that we will need for the States.  Don’t you worry.  I have my lists!!!  🙂  BUT, I’m sure I will forget something.  And I’m sure it will be something that I need since I am so focused on what I need to bring for CD.  This is going to be hard since most of the stuff that I will need for CD is in his room, so I can’t do it when he is sleeping.  Plus, he is still using most of the things now, so I can’t really pack in advance.  Also CD has this wonderful way of helping me to clean up by following me and as I put everything AWAY, he takes everything OUT, so cleaning up/packing doesn’t really work with CD around me.  🙂  One way or another it will happen though, as it has to be done.

If anyone has any tips for flying with an almost one-year-old, please share as I have done my research but would still love to hear suggestions!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Quick Update

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C came home on Saturday after a trip to Brasil.

This is what CD did on Saturday:

Cheerios play

Cheerios play 2

Cheerios play 3

Cheerios play 4 TA-DA!

CD also had some emails he needed to answer.  CD at work – YouTube. (I’m having problems viewing it as no picture comes up when I play it, just sound.  If anyone knows how to fix it, let me know!  Thanks!).

We then went to C’s boss’ house on Sunday where CD had a great time playing with their boxer.  They were SO cute!

Monday, I think was a normal day.

Tuesday, CD woke up with a fever.  Luckily, I had an appointment already scheduled for the doctor on Wednesday.  It was a LONG day and night of me staying with CD and holding him ALL THE TIME.  All he would eat was bananas and thin bread sticks.  What a diet!

Wednesday, today, we got ready for CD’s doctor visit…and it was pouring rain.  Ugh!  I decided that I would carry him in the baby carrier as he likes to kick the stroller rain cover off when it is raining.  We got there and he was happy, but then he got tired.  We actually went for a mandatory German visit where they make sure the babies are being taken care of, but the doctor said that it was too intense to do while he is sick.  She helped me with his illness (medicine and some love was prescribed) and then we rescheduled for Monday- not sure if this will be the mandatory visit or just a vaccine.  We will see.

We got home and then said bye to C who is off to travel for work for a little bit.  CD seemed to improve during the day and was back to his normal self by the time his bedtime routine came around. Thank goodness because he hasn’t been nursing nor letting me help the situation.  PAIN…not CD, actual pain.  Thank goodness it is all fixed now that he nursed at bedtime!

Now to recoup myself as I just realized that we will be traveling in ABOUT A WEEK!!!!!!  I thought that there was another week in between, but I guess not.  :/  I guess we will be fine!!!

Also, completely forgot that tomorrow is a holiday, so I had to head out for some food and water today.  CD was well-behaved like the good baby he is!

Happy June!

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The other day I was offered a job.  The lawyer in our building came over at about 13:00 and rang our doorbell.  I was still in my pajamas, but I answered the door anyway.  🙂  His wife is taking the extensive German language lessons and can’t bring their son along.  He wanted to know if I would be interested in watching him while she was in the class.  I would not be able to do this because it is every day, all morning and into the early afternoon.  I told him I would love to have play dates since they are about the same age.  I’m completely flattered that SOMEONE THINKS I am CAPABLE of taking care of 2 KIDS!!!

I have been having a hard time sleeping lately, but once I’m asleep, I am out like a light.  Thank goodness since I wake up early to the awful noise the person/creature makes next door.

I found out 2 things today:

1.  It is Kids Day today


2.  Next Thursday is yet ANOTHER HOLIDAY!  There are so many holidays and I’m just not used to this and can’t keep track.


As I posted yesterday, today was the playgroup lunch and like I had mentioned yesterday, almost all of us arrived at 14:00 instead of 13:30 like our “scheduled” time.  HA!  We all had a good laugh about it though.  When we finished with lunch, a few of us went to get drinks.  When we arrived at the cafe, a woman would NOT move to make room for us.  The waiter asked her nicely at first and then told her in a very mean tone that she better move her butt because he is making room for the housewives because housewives are a big part of the restaurants income and if she didn’t move, he was going to physically move her out of the way.  She got off her phone and moved to another area.  Then they were both cordial to each other and to us.  WOW!  First real altercation I have seen in Germany…and it was because of us AND I’m a HOUSEWIFE!!!  🙂  Please don’t try these tactics in a restaurant in the States!  🙂

Awaiting C to come home from his trip to Brasil.  He should be home tomorrow!!!!  So excited!!!!!